Start building your app today
Register as a developer to access Hike API hub, generate OAuth keys, avail developer support and build your Hike integrated apps.
Logon to your developer portal and create your app profile to generate unique OAuth keys for your app
Hike offers 25+ endpoints. If you know your APIs and what you're building, this reference should be your go-to resource.
If you have a question or two, our API tutorials provide useful insights into troubleshooting and using Hike APIs.
Build an app to extend the capability of Hike that can provide additional features and functionality to Hike merchants.
E.g.: Build a bin location app for Hike inventory
Let Hike merchants do more by integrating Hike with other renowned business, accounting or eCommerce app platforms.
e.g.: Integrate Hike with Amazon Marketplace
Create your Hike Developer account to get started